Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thejaswini... in progressive pics

As a comment to my last blog... k said...
"You knw, i had a similar idea..photograph the construction site near Bhavani.. take a photo every day from the same position..and when the construction is over, take all the photos and animate it into a video..."

Well, k, gr8 idea... that's when i remebered, hey i've taken a few pics of the construction site... its not from the same position... but still...
The 1st pic was taken on October 14, 2005 when the construction started off, the next on May 13, 2006, where u can see one portion of the Building-in-progress and the last one on March 22, 2007 after the building was completed. Amazing, it took just around 1.5 years to complete this 11 storey building (3 floors below & 8 floors above !!)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Light of Life

There's a room in my heart,
Which when open produces light
Sometimes it shines so brightly
And sometimes it goes dim.
When it shines,
I see his face, glowing with a smile,
When it goes dim,
I see his face yet again,
But, this time tears well his eyes.

I can feel that burn in my heart
Yearning to know more of his word
Dying to see him close to my heart
Wanting to submit myself to him.
And when I submit myself to him,
I feel that cool breeze touch my heart.
All troubles taken away,
All fears gone;
Only confidence and Courage remains.

When I am sick, he heals me,
When I am depressed, he comforts me,
When I am happy, he smiles with me;
And doubles that joy within me.
He is always present with me
He is the Lord, who carries me in his arms...............
............wherever he goes.