Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Write Club

'The Write Club' is a forum for artists of all kinds, predominantly writers - both established and wannabes. Our membership is restricted to current and previous employees of ACIS.


For the pleasure of sharing original work, to begin with. We also hope to accomplish a certain improvement in writing skills by receiving and giving appropriate feedback and encouragement.

Writing is not a very visible talent like singing or dancing or even painting. This forum, hopefully, will make it visible enough, albeit to a select group of people, and thereby gently nudge awake the hibernating talent of most of our writers.

Can anyone join?

Anyone who has at any point of time worked for ACIS can join. You need not be a Booker Prize winner, and it doesn't matter if you don't aspire to be one. The purpose of this forum is just to share and encourage.


There is no active moderation, so anything you post will appear on the blog. However, basic etiquette is expected and posts that are not keeping with the spirit of the forum may be removed by the moderators.

How do I post?

First of all, you need to have a google id to post on this blog. Please send a mail to aciswriteclub[at]gmail[dot]com and the moderator will add you to the group.

Once you are a member you can start posting. Go to, login using your google id and you will be taken to the 'Dashboard'. Click on 'New Post' to create a new entry. Type in or CtrlC CtrlV what you want to post, hit 'Publish Post' and you're done.

Okay - Step by Step

1) First login to using your gmail id and password

2) Once you sign in, this is the page you will see. ‘All Rightey’ is the title of our blog. Click on ‘New Post’ to create a new post.

3) Here is where you can create your new posts which will be displayed in the blog. Please type an appropriate title for the post in the text box marked red . The body of the post can be typed onto (or you can just copy paste from your word doc) the bigger text box marked green. It would be good to categorize your posts as ‘Fiction’, ‘Poetry’, ‘Humour’ or whatever. So, please type a Label for your post. I have typed in the label – Poetry. Once you are ready to release the final version on the blog click ‘Publish Post’ button (marked orange) and your post will be displayed on the blog.

4) You can view the end result by clicking on ‘View Blog’.

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