Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My High Art

An obvious depiction of global warming along with the genocide in Darfur ?
Not so fast, look deeper.... See??

The French critics have called this work 'merde sans signification' .

uh, still deeper...


  1. God! this obviously needs an hour of intense study, K lol

    I like it that you've worked on the template with the chiclets (thats what they're called, right?)

    Didja notice the counter? Immediately after the Welcome Message.

    If you know how to add the 'Subscribe by mail' option that would be good.

  2. And what IS this? "Rock you like a Hurricane"?

  3. This is what happened when my friend gave me his graphic tablet to play with.. ;)

    have added the email thing. got it from The 'chiclets' were from there, too.

    I did notice the counter, though only after it was above 100. hw did you put it there?
